In 1943 the Central Board of Holy Week is constituted, with two representatives of each one of the existing penitential Brotherhoods and a representative of the Very Illustrious City council. The work of the Central Board has been good. The edition of the Magazine “Holy Week” was always to its charge and care, from its beginning in 1944 to the date, as well as some literary contests celebrated under the topic of the Passion of the Lord.
The Central Board of Holy Week was due to the initiative of the Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross, which, on May 2, 1943, gave body to a proposal of brother Vicente Alejos Cervera in this sense. This active brother together with Miguel Mora Muñoz, Vicente Andreu Ortí, Justo Casabán Fabíá, Ascensio Carratalá Benlloch and José Gasull Sanz from other brotherhoods and D. Miguel Portolés Estivalis as consiliary, carried out the construction of the Calvary with contributions from the neighbors and the City Council. Inaugurated on April 2, 1944. The beloved Vicente Alejos wrote the Statutes by which the Central Board is governed.
The first Central Board of Holy Week constituted in 1944 by Ricardo Ferraro, Vicente Alejos Cervera, Francisco J. Torrent, Miguel Mora Muñoz, Vicente Andreu Ortí, Ascensio Carratalá Benlloch, José Gasull Sanz, José Andreu, Francisco J. Torrent Morant and Justo Casabán Fabiá as representative of the Municipality and D. Miguel Portolés Estivalis as consiliary of the Central Board.
For the sake of brevity that may be too long, we will list the events that, in a way, have had the specific title of “Easter Proclamation.”
It was naturally logical. The commemoration of the Major Week of the Christianity in Torrent, has never been orphaned, of the warm human voice, glossing, commenting, analyzing, philosophically or lyrically, certainly religiously, the most culminating facts of the living Christ in the days of his Passion and his Death. And, naturally, it would make no sense at all without the Resurrection.
They were born with the creation of the Central Board of Brotherhoods. And the first “Pregón” was pronounced on April 2, 1944, in the Parish Theater.
For a “gross bell” of knowledge, humility and holiness. We are quoting Father Emilio Saura, Dominican of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Seminary and the University of Valencia, etc.
By a “grossa bell” of knowledge, humility and holiness.
With the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Central Meeting in 1993, this one wanted to ennoble more our Holy Week and it began to make a public act of the Naming of the Queen of the Encounter and Angel of the Resurrection.
It was on January 23, 1993, at the Casa Cultura of Torrent, the public appointment of the Queen of the Meeting and Angel of the Resurrection Miss Maria Amparo Mora Alcácer, acting as maintainer D. Calos Gracian Medina, with the theme: “History of Doña Germana de Foix, vicereine of Valencia, in the visits of Torrent”.
This act was changed of place for reasons of capacity, since it was taking a boom among the brothers and there was more and more assistance in this appointment. In 1998, with the public appointment of Ms. Rosa Mora Puig it was held in the Auditori de Torrent.
The same year, 1993, the Central Board convenes the first literary contest, disappearing 20 years later.
In the magazine of that same year it begins to compile, year after year, everything happened in the exercise of the Holy Week of the previous year. And it will be D. José Royo Martínez who will write those pages until today.
On January 14, 2001 the first stone of the House Museum of Holy Week is placed and on April 6, 2003 the Central Meeting inaugurates its Social Headquarters and the House Museum where all the images that procession during the Holy Week will be housed.
On March 24, 2007, is blessed the new “Carxofa” that realizes the Central Meeting in the parish of Montesión. From that year the old “Carxofa” will be retired, exposing itself in the Museum of Easter.
In the year 2008 the Central Board convenes the first digital photography contest. before the new technology of digital cameras.
In June 2009 the Department of Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana declared favorable the report submitted by the City of Torrent and the Central Board of Brotherhoods of Easter. In the dossier delivered to Consellería it included information of the figure of the Queen of the Encounter and Angel of the Resurrection, unique figure in the Holy Week of Spain. Equally it gathered information of the History of our Holy Week and its brotherhoods.
In the act of the Public Appointment of the Queen of the Meeting and Angel of Resurrection celebrated on January 23, 2010, the mayoress of our city, Mrs. María José Catalá Verdet made delivery to the President of the Central Meeting of Brotherhoods of Holy Week, D. José Vicente Yago Mora of the accrediting diploma, in which it appears that the Holy Week of Torrent has been declared like Celebration of Tourist Interest of the Comunitat Valenciana.
In 2011 the” Carxofa” is relocated, moving it to the tower, where the brotherhoods are relocated around, being able to better participate in acts as important as the Sorrowful Meeting and the Glorious Meeting. Since that year walki-talkies are acquired to communicate between the members of the Central Board, for a better organization of community events.
Since the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the construction of the House Museum, the Central Board has continued to take advantage of new technologies to adapt and disseminate what is collected there, supported by easily accessible codes for visitors and inform them of the passage that at that moment they are seeing.
In 2016 it starts a mobile application to disseminate the events and processions in order to involve the entire population of Torrent of the events commemorated in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ.
Relation of people that from the foundation of the Central Meeting of Brotherhoods of Holy Week have formed active part of the same one, people that disinterestedly have contributed to the Holy Week illusion and desire to work to organize and to transmit the Holy Week that they had received.