Palm Sunday

9:00 h  Palm Sunday blessing ond procession

Parish of San Luis Bertrán. Concentration of all the brotherhoods where the blessing of the palms will take place. Next, the processions will be held to the Sagrada Familia Parish where the Eucharist will be celebrated, with the following itineraries:

Itinerary 1: Parish San Luis Bertrán, Músico M Puig Yago, Dr. Fco. Roselló, San Gregorio, Virgen de la Paz, Federico Maicas, Pintor Ribera, Riu Vinalopó, 25 d’Abril, Agustín Muñoz, Tomás Miquel, parish de la Sagrada Familia.

Participate: Brotherhood Set Paraules, brotherhood Santo Sepulcro, brotherhood Oración del Huerto, brotherhood Ecce-Homo, brotherhood Vera Cruz y Cristo Resucitado, brotherhood Jesús ante el Sanedrín, brotherhood Jesús de Medinaceli, brotherhood Crucifixión del Señor y brotherhood Prendimiento de Jesús.. The Elder Brothers and the Supreme Elder Brother of the exercise 2023 preside.

Itinerary 2: Parish San Luis Bertrán, Ramón y Cajal, José Mª Merino, Blasco Ibáñez, Virgen de las Angustias, Sedaví, Constitución, 25 de Abril, De la Marina, parish of Sagrada Familia.

Participate: Brotherhood Negaciones de Pedro, brotherhood Divino Costado Cristo, brotherhood Flagelación del Señor, brotherhood Jesús Nazareno, brotherhood Descendimiento de la Cruz, brotherhood Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores, brotherhood Santa Cena, brotherhood Santa Faz and the passage of the Triumphal Entrand of Jesus. The Queen of the Meeting and Angel of the Resurrection 2023 presides.

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