Semana Santa Torrent

Fiesta de Interés Turístico Autonómico de la Comunitat Valenciana

Semana Santa Torrent

History of Holy Week of Torrent

The culmination of all the celebrations of our Holy Week takes place on Glory Sunday, the day on which the whole of Christianity remembers the victory of Jesus Christ over his Death and Resurrection.

The first news that we have from our population regarding this festive commemoration takes us back to the beginning of the 17th century.

The Queen is elected by a different brotherhood each year in rotation, and she must be escorted by the corresponding brotherhood.

The meaning of this figure has two different characters: a historical sense, wanting to see in it the faithful representation of the Viceroy of Valencia Doña Germana de Foix, who once in the seventeenth century presided over this celebration, leaving it stipulated that every year a Torrentine maiden would preside, in her name, over this event. And a meaning from faith: the meaning of «an angel», who announces before the Virgin the Resurrection of the Saviour.

Nowadays, a whole ceremony is followed. The queen goes in front of the Virgin of Mount Zion carrying the banner of «Hallelujah» accompanied by two waitresses and the pages who are in charge of helping her carry the cloak, while the priest who goes behind the Risen Jesus carries the palm of victory. At the moment of Jesus’ encounter with his mother, Mary, the two symbols are exchanged, the banner being placed in the hand of the image of the Risen Christ, while the queen takes the palm up to the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady where the Eucharist of the Resurrection is celebrated.

On this day of Resurrection, the so-called «carxofa» is set up in the middle of the square, of whose existence we have been aware since the middle of the last century and from which, at the time of the Meeting, numerous messages on coloured paper containing the so-called «alleluias», compositions in the form of poetry that in a satirical tone denounce facts and characters of the population or loan the youthful excellences of the queen and her waitresses. Inside, he also used to put some pigeons and birds that when opened would fly away.