National Meeting of Brotherhoods

The 33rd National Meeting of Brotherhoods will finally take place in León between 9 and 12 September 2021. This has been decided by the Junta Mayor,
ratifying the proposal emanating from the organising committee of the Meeting.
Although it was initially scheduled to be held next September, the situation resulting from the covid-19 pandemic forced its postponement on 21 May. And, after studying different possibilities, it was decided to avoid the coincidence in time with the IV International Congress of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods to be held in Malaga at the end of September 2021, thus ensuring the greatest possible success for the Meeting, as there are many brotherhoods from all over Spain that will participate in both events.
Thus, after having consulted the relevant ecclesiastical and civil authorities, the brotherhoods whose ordinary events could be affected, and having obtained the mandatory approval of the National Commission of the Meetings of Brotherhoods, the organising commission of the Leonese Meeting submitted to the plenary session of the Junta Mayor the proposal to hold from 9 to 12 September 2021, which had no opinion against it, being, therefore, approved and set as definitive in the calendar.
The Older Borad of the Holy Week of León.
León, 26 de junio de 2020